A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Vegetable Garden

Vegetable gardening is a rewarding and fulfilling activity that allows you to grow your own fresh and healthy produce. Whether you have a spacious backyard or just a small balcony, starting a vegetable garden is an excellent way to connect with nature, save money on groceries, and promote sustainability. If you’re new to gardening, fear…

Making Your Lawn & Garden Pet Friendly

Creating a pet-friendly lawn and garden involves considering the needs and safety of your pets. Here are some tips to help you make your outdoor space more pet-friendly: choose pet-safe plants: Research plants that are non-toxic to pets and avoid those that are toxic if ingested. Some common pet-safe options include marigolds, petunias, sunflowers, and…

Fall Garden

Fall gardening can be a rewarding and productive season for growing a variety of crops. Here are a dozen tips to help you prepare for fall gardening: 1. plan your garden: 2. cleAn up your garden: 3. improve soil health: 4. test and adjust soil ph: Use a soil testing kit to check the pH…

A Guide to Inviting Butterflies to Your Garden

Attracting butterflies to your garden can be a delightful way to enjoy their beauty and contribute to their conservation. Here are some plants known to attract butterflies: Butterfly Bush (Buddleja): As the name suggests, the butterfly bush is a popular choice for attracting butterflies. It produces long spikes of fragrant flowers in various colors, including…